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Good moods may boost flu shot efficacy for seniors

It is often said that one’s mood and attitude can greatly impact their overall mental and physical health levels. Those who are generally happier and in better moods tend to have more prominent and lengthy livelihoods, while those who are in bad moods face more complications throughout their lives. A recent study conducted found that this ranges even into the flu shot effectiveness, as results showed that seniors with better attitudes saw more efficacy in the use of the flu shot.

Key Takeaways:

  • Getting a flu shot significantly reduces the chance you will catch the virus.
  • Vaccines are not as effective in seniors as they are for younger people.
  • The mind is connected to the body. Having positive spirits while getting a shot may increase the efficacy of it.

“A new study suggests that seniors who get their flu shots while in a good mood have a better response to the vaccine.”

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